Pause On The Play

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71. Being Active Right Now Is A Necessary Choice

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In this brief episode of Pause On the Play, host Erica Courdae celebrates her birthday and makes one request – be in action. This election cycle is too important to sit on the sidelines and let other people do the work. Find a way to be of service and in action so we can get as many people voting as possible in these crucial upcoming elections.

Are you ready to listen in? Here’s what’s happening in this episode:

[00:01:44] It’s common for people to get stuck in inaction because they’re afraid to talk about or do something about difficult issues.

[00:02:53] Listening to when people say you’re too much, too loud, too overt, too strong, too outspoken, can get in your way.

[00:03:54] But when you move past those fears and those words from other people, and you live your values, people will see you and hear you, and they will be inspired to take action, too.

[00:04:28] This election cycle is a new chance to stand up and be seen, heard, and to case your vote for the betterment of the world.

[00:06:33] We still have freedom of speech in the private sector. Use that freedom for good. Use it wisely. Use your privilege to make the world better.

[00:07:48] If you need help with being in action, or wanting to make donations, reach out to Pause On the Play or to people you know for ideas.


“Some of the big things that stood out to me in the community were that people wanted to work with more of those aligned people, but they needed to know that they were there. And the more that you become you, the more those people see you. They hear you. They resonate with you. The more that you say, I can do this, I can speak out. I can speak up. I can hold somebody else up. You remind people that you can take up space too. Come on. Let's go take up space together. There is beauty in that. “ – Erica Courdae


“The people that need you are waiting for you. The people that you can serve, that you really want to support, they're waiting on you. Those that you're going to open your mouth and they're going to be like, finally, somebody gets me, they're waiting on you. Those of us that move in this world in hopes of creating equity for those that don't have it, we are waiting for you. And so what I ask for today, my birthday from you is to be active.” – Erica Courdae

“If you haven't already done it, register to vote and actually vote. Help somebody else to make sure that they've registered to vote. Help somebody get to a polling place if they need support there. Speak up about what matters, because this is not about simply policies and the party that you belong to.” – Erica Courdae

“If you know that being an action is something that you don't want to do alone and that community is going to support you in doing that, Pause On the Play is going to be able to help with that. Pause On the Play as a room full of people that are looking to be active and are looking to create equitable conditions for everyone. Particularly those that don't look, live, love, and exist like them. It's important to be able to find people that are on similar paths and that are fighting that good fight right along with you so that you can be reminded that you're not doing this alone. You don't have to do this alone. I get you. I see you and you don't have to do it perfectly. That's okay. Just keep going.” – Erica Courdae


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Erica Courdae  [00:00:00]: Hello. Hello, and welcome back to Pause on the Play. As always, it is amazing to see you here, where you are challenged to examine your beliefs, question your predisposed notions, and consider realities you may be unfamiliar with in order to understand that they too are real. I am your host and conversation emcee for the day, Erica Cordae, here to get the dialogue going. So I don't do solo episodes so much because I like dialogue. I like conversation. And I feel like the magic happens when you are in conversation with others. One other person, two other people, multiples. This is where the more the merrier can sometimes work out, but at least one changes the game.

Erica Courdae  [00:00:53]: I usually like to at least have India here with me. And we have a few other ones coming up where, you may have seen some of the things pop up if you're on our email list or, for some of the social media things, about some of the live podcast recordings that we have coming up fo Pause On the Play: the community, and some of the guests that we're having. However today, I'm actually just going to do a simple, short and sweet one because you are listening to this on Tuesday, September 8th.

Erica Courdae  [00:01:24]: If you hear it the day that it comes out. But this is the day that is being released. And it is my birthday, and happy birthday to me. First of all, I wish myself a happy birthday. And, I wanted to just come in and talk about the fact that number one, you're safe. A lot of people are nervous to do this work because they're like, Oh, is it safe for me to do this? Can I talk about these things? How do I talk about what I'm not yet comfortable about? And it just kinda can sometimes have these things to come up to pause you, to cause you to not do the thing, to not move forward, to not be in action.

Erica Courdae  [00:02:05]: And I was reading some comments in Pause On the Play the Community. And I saw a few things that really stood out to me. And I wanted to make this a really quick piece of dialogue here for you to take and think about. Recently, we had an episode when we talked about the things that you want to sitter before you actually step into a coaching relationship or community or any of those kinds of things. But I also think that there is some space to really acknowledge what are some of the stories that are maybe holding you back things that maybe don't seem like they're related, but they are.

Erica Courdae  [00:02:43]: The places where you're told that you're too much. You're to this. You're not good enough. Too loud. .Too overt. Too strong. Too outspoken. And how does that get in the way? And I'm here to tell you, don't let that shit get in the way. However I need for you to recognize that. And so the reason that I'm bringing this up is because I want you to know that the world needs what you're doing and they need for you to do it in a way that everyone has an equitable piece in receiving this and being able to create their own bounty from it.

Erica Courdae  [00:03:20]: It's important to really showcase who you are and to remind people of what you do and who you serve and why it matters. Because honestly, some of the big things that stood out to me in the community were that people wanted to work with more of those aligned people, but they needed to know that they were there. And the more that you become you, the more those people see you. They hear you. They resonate with you. The more that you say, I can do this, I can speak out. I can speak up. I can hold somebody else up. You remind people that you can take up space too. Come on. Let's go take up space together. There is beauty in that. And something that we're talking about quite a bit in the community and online as well, is that we are in an election cycle.

Erica Courdae  [00:04:11]: Not that any of us for the most part are immune to knowing that right now. The fact of the matter is it's important to be activated right now. It's important to know what matters to you, what you stand for, what you stand against, who you stand up for. And to be activated in this election cycle to vote in support of that, to cast your vote in support of better. And to do that, you have to the remember you are enough of whatever it is that you need to be to get your shit done today. Anything that is there to throw you off the path or to make you think I can't, I won't. Why should I, who am I? This isn't possible. I can't do these things.

Erica Courdae  [00:05:04]: No, the people that need you are waiting for you. The people that you can serve, that you really want to support, they're waiting on you. Those that you're going to open your mouth and they're going to be like, finally, somebody gets me, they're waiting on you. Those of us that move in this world in hopes of creating equity for those that don't have it, we are waiting for you. And so what I ask for today, my birthday from you is to be active.

Erica Courdae  [00:05:41]: Make sure you are registered to vote. Every state has different deadlines. We looked this weekend just to go over these things. Some states were 11 days, some were 21 days. Some were a month. They're all different. If you haven't already done it, register to vote and actually vote. Help somebody else to make sure that they've registered to vote. Help somebody get to a polling place if they need support there. Speak up about what matters, because this is not about simply policies and the party that you belong to. This is about saying, I believe that this Make America Great Again is bullshit, and call it what it is. No. I refuse.

Erica Courdae  [00:06:33]: This weekend, there were articles coming out, saying that the White House wanted to stop government funds from going to diversity trainings, anti-racism trainings, and essentially that's a form of censorship. These are reasons why you have to vote. We have a gift of being in the private sector and knowing that we still have freedom of speech. Being a privilege that we can freely exercise. Let's use it before somebody tries to infringe on that. Remind people of why it's important. Be activated. Be mobile. Be in action.

Erica Courdae  [00:07:17]: That's the gift that I ask you for today. If you want to donate to a cause that is going to support that by all means, do that as well. There are plenty of organizations out here that you can donate to that are going to help to create equity. And that are going to help when it comes to the fact that right now, silence is not an option. If you don't know where to donate or you're like, I'm not sure where I want to put my money. You can feel free to reach out to us Let us know. I need a recommendation. Is there anywhere that you'd like to direct me to where I can donate. Ask for support, just don't go silent. Don't go inactive. This is the time that you have to be in action.

Erica Courdae  [00:08:13]: If you know that being an action is something that you don't want to do alone and that community is going to support you in doing that, Pause On the Play is going to be able to help with that. Pause On the Play as a room full of people that are looking to be active and are looking to create equitable conditions for everyone. Particularly those that don't look, live, love, and exist like them. It's important to be able to find people that are on similar paths and that are fighting that good fight right along with you so that you can be reminded that you're not doing this alone. You don't have to do this alone. I get you. I see you and you don't have to do it perfectly. That's okay. Just keep going. Okay. It's important.

Erica Courdae  [00:08:58]: And so if you want that type of support, come on over to Scroll down on that homepage and apply to be a member of the community. Find additional people to be in your cohort as you move forward in doing the things that are important to you and the world that we live in. Remember that we show up here having real conversations in order to normalize the challenging things and make them a part of your everyday exchanges. Cross lines, recreate boundaries and support, not to separate. Together, we'll continue getting people to drop the veil, challenge their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Again on today's my birthday, I love knowing that you're here and that you are assisting me in creating the bridge for us all to walk over together. So until next time, keep the dialogue going. Bye .